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Thursday, August 15, 2019

SEOPressor—What’s New in This Optimization Tool?

SEOPressor—What’s New in This Optimization Tool?|SEO


It is quite justified to be apprehensive about new products that are billed as search engine optimization tools, mainly because there are so many of them out there, each of them claiming to be the best gift to the Internet marketing world. That is why there are a lot of people who are skeptical about SEOPressor as well. This is a new search engine optimization product that works especially with Wordpress websites, bringing them to the top results page on Google.
SEOPressor—What’s New in This Optimization Tool?|SEO

However, what most people want to see is how SEOPressor can help them with their SEO. Here are some points that elucidate that difference:-

1. SEOPressor is a tool designed exclusively for Wordpress websites. It analyzes various aspects of on-page optimization and lets the webmaster know a very true picture of the website. SEOPressor tells webmasters about the exact standing of their keywords, for instance. It tells people how their keywords are getting ranked and whether they should format them in any way (make bold, italicize or underline) to improve their viability. The software also tells about the worth of the images used on the website and the H1, H2 or H3 formats used in titles. In this way, SEOPressor keeps a keen eye on the little things that matter much with Wordpress websites.

2. Unlike other tools, SEOPressor doesn’t just tell about the SEO problems of a website. It also gives good suggestions on what needs to be done. These include suggestions on how keywords and their formatting can be tweaked, how tags should be ideally added to images and so on.

3. SEOPressor also continuously tells webmasters on how their website is performing at the SEO level. An instant SEO score can be obtained which helps people know what they must do in order to improve the prospects of their website. SEOPress can also test and rate each post that is added to the website, which helps webmasters know the true value of any additions that they make to their websites, almost on an instantaneous basis.
SEOPressor—What’s New in This Optimization Tool?|SEO

4. The other great thing about SEOPress is that it has a highly successful and experienced developer behind it. This developer is none other than Daniel Tan, an SEO enthusiast, who is quite active on the Warrior Forum. He is a keen observer of the way websites work with search engines and has carved a credible name for himself with his previous products such as Backlink Syndication System and Rank Mover, both SEO products.

5. However, the real USP of SEOPress lies in the secret algorithm that it uses. This secret algorithm helps correlate SEOPress with the way Google ranks pages, thus ensuring that your website can rank extremely well in Google. The users of the product are quite hopeful that SEOPress will be termed as a mandatory plug-in for Wordpress shortly.

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